Advogado Criminalista em Bangu Atuamos na defesa integral em procedimentos qual envolvam crimes do mai ... Atuamos na defesa integral em procedimentos que envolvam crimes por maior ou menor potencial ofensivo.My husband and I bought a house on the beach in Marica,Rio do Janeiro. Can anyone tell me how safe it is or is it a bad idea to move there pl… Read More

Бах-бах-бах… Полеты двух орлов, так здесь называют полицейские вертолеты, и грохот пуль разбудили Жакарезинью на рассвете.Respeito ao ser humano: desenvolver uma relaçãeste pessoal de respeito e valorizaçãeste entre minha e sua equipe de tra… Read More

Burned-down villages, detainee torture, gang rapes, and depleted uranium rounds don't simply evaporate into the mist of "representation" when it's a Black person giving the green light.Whether a given act or omission constitutes a crime does not depend on the nature of that act or omission; it depends on the nature of the legal consequences that ma… Read More

– Melhor escritório por Advocacia do Brasil e melhor programa por treinamento e desenvolvimento profissional de modo a mulheres.The detectives often discuss elements of their cases openly in front of people who they have just questioned. This would not occur in real life as they would risk having the person who overheard them potentially contact… Read More

I really want to visit Rio BUT I can’t make up my mind after hearing and reading the crimes that IT IS THAT BAD in Rio I have children and don’t want to put them in risk Of anything if it’s downtown out in the open any Advice ??noticias Permanecequedas usando una versión más antigua del explorador. Usa una versión compatible para obtener l… Read More